Sea Discovery Menu
This menu is an underwater dive that takes you little by little to the deep end of there Mediterranean… to there discovery of the signature dishes of chef Gérald Passedat.
This menu is offered at Tuesday dinner at SATURDAY.
For a discovery of there Mediterranean
An abyssal dive
In seven main levels
And a very gentle rise
In three levels
Menu for information purposes only, all our dishes may vary depending on there fishing and THE market of the day. There The Mediterranean is sovereign, there scarcity of products depends THE service of this menu.
Without our fishermen, gatherers and divers we would not be able to offer you this cuisine.
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On vous en dit plus sur ce cadeau
This menu is an underwater dive that takes you little by little to the deep end of there Mediterranean… to there discovery of the signature dishes of chef Gérald Passedat.
This menu is offered at Tuesday dinner at SATURDAY.
For a discovery of there Mediterranean
An abyssal dive
In seven main levels
And a very gentle rise
In three levels
Menu for information purposes only, all our dishes may vary depending on there fishing and THE market of the day. There The Mediterranean is sovereign, there scarcity of products depends THE service of this menu.
Without our fishermen, gatherers and divers we would not be able to offer you this cuisine.